Tidbit Tuesday - Social Networks and Emotional Contagion
Welcome to another Tidbit Tuesday!
Today I want to talk about something that, I believe, is greatly underrated. That is social networks and a phenomenon they cause called emotional contagion.
To deepen your understanding on the subject, I encourage you to watch this Ted Talk by Nicholas Christakis on The Hidden Influence of Social Networks! https://youtu.be/2U-tOghblfE
Otherwise, let’s dive in!
Humans are emotional beings, we are hard wired that way and there is just no way around it.
Our emotions are like a primitive language that we not only experience internally, but also display outwardly towards others, and often mimic them when we see them displayed.
This is something called emotional contagion.
And just as emotions are contagious, so are our habits and lifestyle.
If the people you spend the most time with are critical in your own growth and development as a person – as well as your own attitude toward everything from the food you eat, to the exercise you choose, to the hobbies you spend your time on – if you want to improve something about yourself, it’s probably important to consider your social network in the equation.
Here’s the good news. If sickness, obesity, and unhappiness are all contagious – so are health, leanness, and happiness. And by including more healthy, lean, and happy people into your social network, your chances of improving the way you look, feel, and perform will skyrocket.
Now, we aren't always able to change those in our circle. We can't exactly shun our family members that refuse to try and attain that beach bod with chiseled abs every summer!
But, we can still earn their support on our journey. And maybe even bring them around, in the long run.
After getting yourself into a healthier routine, you start to really see and feel the effects of it. You are looking better, you move better, you are having less aches and pains while enjoying more energy throughout the day.
You are so excited that you want to share that inspirational feeling with those around you! To achieve the same level of freedom in their own lives!
But, more often than not we are met with resistance, and meeting friction can make us feel stuck.
We must remember though, emotional contagion and social supports work both ways. Keeping our momentum moving forward will feel tough at times, as it does require the support of those around us. But once we have that momentum, and we've surrounded ourselves with the right people, it can feel like there is no stopping us!
Try these 3 tips by Precision Nutrition to gain momentum, and get your friends and family on your side towards a healthier tomorrow.
1) Accept that you may not be "right".
All behaviors and choices have a reason to be there. You might not know the reasons; you might not quite understand the reasons or even agree with the reasons. Whatever habits your loved ones are practicing, they are doing them for a reason. Creating resistance won't gain their support.
2) Be persistent, not pushy.
Change can feel scary. It can bring up issues of control, security, and identity, and it can also bring up painful emotions like anxiety, panic, shame, or loss. Just like a scared child, resistance and fear in their adult forms don’t respond well to rational arguments and pushing. So while you must press forward with the changes you’re trying to make for your own well-being, you’ll more likely get support if you practice persistence rather than pushiness.
3) Just "do you."
Change is incredibly hard. And without a truly deep "why" behind our motivation we often have a hard time pulling through.
Research shows that intrinsic motivation leads to change that’s longer-lasting and more self-sustaining than extrinsic motivation, which is based on the desire to obtain external outcomes such as good grades or the approval of others.
While those around you are distracted, focus on your own intrinsic motivations. Stay connected to what’s driving you, deep inside, to make these personal changes.
While it may be easier to wait until your immediate social circle comes around to prioritizing healthy choices, it’s also incredibly empowering and inspiring to be a leader for change, despite the forces against you.
And in doing so, you’ll build your own small wave of momentum that, little by little, erodes the friction you encounter.
Nicholas Christakis points out in his Ted Talk that networks have value. They are a type of social capital. Nicholas goes on to show his example using two objects created by Carbon. Graphite and diamonds.
These two objects, made of the same thing, have incredibly different properties and value. And yet, it is not in the carbon atoms themselves but rather the connections between the atoms, and HOW the connections are made, that creates the difference.
So, are your social networks making you into soft, breakable graphite or are they creating a resilient, shimmering diamond?
Influence happens in both directions. Lead the way!
Happy Leading!
Your friend in Health & Fitness,
Coach Sean