Tidbit Tuesday - Palate Fatigue
Welcome to another Tidbit Tuesday where we aim to teach you something new about health, nutrition, lifestyle, training, and so much more, every week!
Today we are talking about Palate Fatigue, this is what you get when you eat the same foods repeatedly and then no longer become satisfied by those foods.
We either no longer want those foods anymore, or we often try to satisfy our craving by eating more of that food, thinking it will eventually “hit the spot”, but, more often than not we just regret our choices and end up way too full.
Palate Fatigue is often to blame for failed diets, especially those that are incredibly restrictive.
Variety is the spice of life!
We are actually hard wired for change in our diets. Our ancestors weren’t able to maintain the same crops and livestock year-round, so they had to live on a rotating diet based on what was available.
Our bodies learned to thrive on this!
The beauty of today is that we have, pretty much, every food option available to us, year-round. And at the click of a button, without even getting up.
So, what can you do to get the most out of your meals, while also avoiding palate fatigue?
Your best plan of action is to plan ahead!
Yes, make your meal plans for a few days in advance, maybe even the whole week.
By doing this you know ahead of time that you will have plenty of variety, you can prep dishes that you know you will enjoy, and you will be far more likely to stay on track with your goal vs just picking randomly in the moment based on cravings.
If you are meal prepping for several days in advance but don’t want to be making a bunch of different dishes, you prepare one or two different protein options like chicken and ground beef or turkey, change the carb up with something easy like rice, noodles, or potatoes.
And finally, the easiest way to make each dish a little more unique, you can add different marinades, and different spices and herbs can help to bring variety to your meals.
Another way to get adventurous with your food is to try something you have never had. That could be as simple as picking out a new vegetable to try that you never have.
There are also plenty of different ways to prepare the same food. Try getting yourself a crockpot, instant pot, smoker, or sous vide cooker and prepare your food in different ways each week.
And my final piece of advice to help avoid palate fatigue would be to try and pair your meals with different beverages. Alcoholic or not.
There is no secret that food and drink can pair up quite nicely, or completely throw off a meal. Try out a few different combinations and see what you like the best!
Here is a link for 10 non-alcoholic drinks to pair with your favourite meals:
And another link for pairing food with alcohol:
Please, go and enjoy some variety in your meals and avoid over-eating to try and appease your insatiable cravings. Plan ahead and eat smart!
Your Friend in Health & Fitness,
Coach Sean