Tidbit Tuesday – Weight Loss Supplements


Welcome to another Tidbit Tuesday where we aim to teach you something new about health, nutrition, lifestyle, training, and so much more, every week!

Today we are talking about weight loss supplements. The good ol' quick fix!

When people are looking to lose weight, the first question they often ask themselves is, "what can I take to speed up the process?"

But, there is a big difference between "weight loss" and "fat loss."

Losing "weight" just means the number on the scale is going down.

But is that from fat tissue? Muscle tissue? Bone density?

It would be scary to think those last 10 pounds you lost could have been from bone density, placing you at a greater risk of injury!

There are 3 main ways that weight loss supplements usually work:
1. Reduce appetite
2. Reduce absorption
3. Increase fat burning

At first glance this makes sense.

If I'm less hungry, I will eat less and lose weight.

If my body doesn't absorb all the calories I eat, then I should lose weight, right?

And, you would think, quite obviously, if I take a pill that burns fat then I will lose weight.

However, if any of these solutions truly worked then don't you think we would be hearing about it everywhere?

And yet we are all susceptible to falling prey to that late night advertisement making outrageous claims about losing 20, sometimes as much as 30 pounds in a month by taking a pill, rubbing on a cream, or by using the latest and greatest piece of equipment.

When we exercise, our bodies go through a bunch of overly complex processes to, essentially, convert our excess fat into 3 things. And those are: energy, carbon dioxide, and water.

Here is the chemical equation; C55H104O6+78O2 --> 55CO2+52H2O+energy

This is a process that no pill can replicate.  There are various steps that need to be triggered, almost like dominoes, which ultimately lead to you shedding your excess body fat in the most healthy and sustainable way possible.


The goal shouldn't be to take a carb/fat blocker so that you can eat whatever you want and not worry about gaining weight.

The goal needs to be building sustainable habits!

Rather than looking for the quick fix, the miracle solution, the fads and dead ends. Commit to finding the lifestyle that sustains your goals, both physically and mentally.

Having a good routine with quality sleep each night.

A wide variety of nutrient dense foods!

Moving every day. Engaging in purposeful exercise or activity to strain the body.

And maybe most importantly, purposeful recovery!

With a solid foundation of good skills and habits to practice you will be much more engaged in the process.

Learning to love the process is a crucial step in your journey. You must find what works for you and continue to grow on that path!

Because nutrition and activity are not a one-size-fits-all approach. We all like different foods, different activities, and come from different backgrounds meaning we have slightly different physiology.

We don't all excel at the same things or tolerate the same foods. So we have to have an individual approach, and who knows you better than you?

Build your routine of healthy, sustainable habits that you can consistently practice. Following the 80/20 principle. And you will see all areas of your life improve.

You may have heard the old Chinese proverb, "a rising tide lifts all boats."

This is also true for the areas of Deep Health. As you raise the quality of your life in one area, so others will follow.

Know that hurdles will come. Life happens and we cannot avoid that.

This is why consistency is key!

Whenever life deviates us from our practices and habits. We must bring ourselves back as quickly as possible. Making the "falling off" just a blip in the radar, no real concern.

If there is something new that you saw and you would like to try - such as a diet plan, supplement, or some type of fat burner/performance enhancer - that you aren't sure if it is right for you or not, ask us and we will help you pick the right things for your goals!

Happy training!

Your friend in Health & Fitness,

Coach Sean


Tidbit Tuesday - Melatonin


Tidbit Tuesday – Fad Diets